Some stats on our big baby:
Weight: 19 lbs. 14 oz 22%
Length: 29.5 in. 24%
Teeth: 11
Walking: Yes! too much! At 10 months and I haven't sat down since!
Loves: pots and pans, wooden spoons, motorcycle rides, climbing on the quad, the hose, bath time, shoes (because they mean OUTSIDE!! YAY!!), kisses, nursing, brothers, climbing on chairs and the table, popcorn, grapes. suckers, cheese, spoons, tooth brushes, climbing on brothers, peek-a-boo and lots and lots of smiles!
Words: mama, dada, signing more and shoes.
Dislikes: all foods that are apparently safe, getting dressed, diaper changes, closed doors, car rides, being told no, not climbing, upside down chairs, child proof locks, sleeping in his crib.
Carden decided to give Tanner his favorite blue blankie. I'm pretty sure Carden also gave it to David at one point. Silly Carden. He also gave him an old phone that Josh picked up from work on day. It doesn't have a battery, but the kids like to carry it around, so Carden decided to gift it to Tanner. It was a hit though!
Tanner also got wooden spoons, they were also a hit.: