26 1/2 days to be exact.
Here's your belly shot mom. :)

So I had another ultrasound last week. And lucky for me, this little guy has a head that's in the 92nd percentile. Awe. Some. Yeah, so apparently freakishly huge heads at birth run in Josh's family. Nice of him to tell me this now, AFTER I decided to bear his children.
Ha, ha! You're so funny. I can't believe it's almost time. I'm amazed how much everyone changes within the last month. Baby growth spurt.
Just remember that you were 9 pounds 9 ounces at birth. We will see if little King baby can to0p that. Mom
How fun!! Enjoy every second, you look GREAT! Good Luck with everything!
OH sweet!! you are so lucky! NOT. Josh you are totally in the dog house. Thats a deal breaker for me. ha ha.
Ask Sharon what she thought of Tyler's head after he was born. Three and a half hours of pushing + a giant noggin does not equal a pretty head! You may want to reconsider that "natural" birth thing. Just sayin....
P.S. YOU look good though!
Awe. Some. That had me cracking up. Well....best of luck to you : ) Eric says to just stock up on the olive oil!
weird! your pregnancy has gone so fast for me! he's almost here. crazy
Yay! He's almost here. Love the belly shot! I can't wait to see his little face. I need to call you. Heather
You look great...and now any day! YAY! I can't wait to see pics. And hopefully one day you will come to Manilla and we will have to get together. Good luck with everything, you are going to make a great mom.
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