Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A couple of firsts...

1. First trip to the ER

Yep that's right, I got to take my four day old infant to the emergency room-one of the germiest places on earth. So, Sundaynight, I'm feeding little Carden, talking on the phone with a friend. He finished eating so I sat him up and he instantly threw up all over himself. I noticed the spit up was brown and then looked at his shirt and he had two dime-sized blood clots on it that he had thrown up as well. I probably wouldn't have worried as much over the brown spit-up, but the blood clots were kind of scary. So Josh and I rushed to the ER and me being a first time mom, didn't think to bring anything with me. No clean clothes, no diapers or wipes, no binky. We get there and they do some tests on him to make sure that the blood wasn't from him. And by tests, I mean the most painful things you could ever do to a baby. They needed a urine sample, so they had to insert a catheter. Carden screamed and screamed and I bawled and bawled the entire time. Good thing Josh was there. And then they needed a blood sample and not just a little bit from his heel. They had to get it from his arm and since his veins are practically invisible, it took a minute or two of digging around to find one. Again, me bawling and Carden screaming. We didn't even have a binky to help calm him. They also took an ex-ray which luckily was painless. All of the results came back fine-apparently the blood must have been from me, which is still kind of confusing to me, but oh well, at least he's doing fine. No more blood since then. And I've since decided I'm never going back to the ER because they like to torture babies over there. Kidding. The only good thing about was every female staff member there had to come over and tell me just how cute my baby was. Which, duh, of course he is!

2. First Bath

Poor Cards thought he was being totured again! It think it must be tough to be a baby.
He always crosses his fingers like that. Love it!

3. First ride in a car

So i'm pretty sure we have a basketball player here. He has huge hands and feet!

This one isn't a first, but I just thought it was cute. I can't forget about my other baby after all!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here he is!

Introducing Carden James K*** (we think)

Born September 24, 2009 at 3:18 pm (He came early and during the day, just like I asked him. What a good boy!)

Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz
Length: 21 Inches
Eyes: closed most of the time
Hair: peach fuzz with some strawberry
Feet: Big
Legs: long and skinny
Hobbies: Pooping and peeing all over his newly changed clothes

The Labor Story:
I went into labor around 2 am on Thursday. I wasn't sure if it was the real thing or not, so I just stayed in bed and tried to sleep through it (Which surprisingly I did. The contractions just became part of my dreams. I was at a BBQ somewhere cooking hamburgers, and every time one hit, I'd just grab my stomach and bend down at the grill. I'm pretty sure I burned all the burgers. Weird.) I started timing the contractions around 7:30 and found out they were only 2 1/2 minutes apart so I called my midwife who told me to get checked out at the hospital. We took our time-I showered and Josh got all the stuff together and we were at the hospital by 9. I was dilated to a 5, so they admitted me and about 2 seconds later the contractions were about a minute apart and I went from "This isn't too bad" to "What in the crap was I thinking? Get me that epidural!" and "Josh where are they? GO GET THEM AND MAKE THEM GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL!" By 10:30 I had my happy drugs and life was oh so much better. Things even got a little boring. I should have brought a book or something to do :) Then after about 40 minutes of pushing, there he was!

Seriously, Carden is such a good baby. He gave me an easy pregnancy, I had a quick and easy delivery, and now he is a champion eater AND pooper-he gets that from his dad :) I just hope he stays this way!

My mom surprised me and came to meet him!
(Yeah so the date is wrong on this camera. I swear my baby was not born four years ago!)

And a couple more:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To the baby currently residing in my uterus:


And please stop kicking my ribs.

Love, Mama

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Less than four weeks...

26 1/2 days to be exact.

Here's your belly shot mom. :)

So I had another ultrasound last week. And lucky for me, this little guy has a head that's in the 92nd percentile. Awe. Some. Yeah, so apparently freakishly huge heads at birth run in Josh's family. Nice of him to tell me this now, AFTER I decided to bear his children.