Saturday, April 5, 2014

More phone pics...

Tate's baptism Nov 2012.  I couldn't figure out where this was taken out but Carden  knew right away.  

Lovin' the scruff Josh!

Chandler Stake Rodeo Nov. 2012.  I couldn't go for some reason but Josh took the boys and they apparently loved it, other than Carden though it was too loud.

Dec. 2012.  One of David's last nights in his crib before we moved him to Carden's room.

Dec. 2012.  Epic snot nose from David. Well done son.

Dec. 2012.  I am a huge fan of family nap time. It's the only way I get any sleep!

Feb. 2013.  Our first and only trip to Cold stone. The kids complained the whole time about wanting McDonald's instead.

March 2013.  Birthday party for our friend Jack.  He went all out and got a fire truck to come.  The kids loved it.

May 2013. David decided to throw himself out of the shopping cart at Home Depot an landed on his head.  After a not so quick trip to the ER, he got to come home with a mild concussion and a big goose egg.

More phone pics...

Bath time! Nov. 2012. 

 We love bubbles!

Phone pictures...

I finally downloaded the pictures and videos on my phone.  It was Josh's phone first and I found some pictures from nov. 2012. So fun to go through all of them! Here are some of the recent ones, from Carden's field trips this year with his preschool class.

We went to the fire station by our house.  The kids got to go through the whole station and climb all over the truck.

This picture cracks me up. The fireman has this big grin and not one of the kids is looking at the camera.  

Here is our Halloween party.  The kids made Ghost suckers ans spider oreos and played a pumpkin bowling game.  Super fun!

One of the preschool  kids has a grandma with farm-type property.  The kids got to ride horses and feed alpacas and a pig. 

We also did a field trip to the zoo.  The monkeys are alays a hit.

We got to visit a dentist and take a tour of the office.  The kids got to go up and down in the dentist chair and got to take home a new toothbrush.  Carden was also picked to wear the dentist clothes. I couldn't believe he was willing to put it on, he usually refuses to dress up in anything!

We also took a field trip to the to Arizona Museum for Youth and to Fry's grocery store.  He has loved his preschool class this year.